The Home & School Association (HSA) is a volunteer organization that relies on parents/guardians. We support activities to recognize our teachers with faculty appreciation breakfasts and lunches, connect our parents with an online directory, DragonBites Newsletter, an Open House and a New Family Picnic, and build community with the students via educational assemblies, grade level social events, a book fair and themed lunches.
There are many ways to help and get involved for whatever amount of time you have to give!
Lauren Morrell, laurenmorrell@hotmail.com
Kimberly Neff, kimberly.neff1@gmail.com
Kate Cohen, kateryercohen@gmail.com
Janene Sickle, Sorella4@comcast.net
Kimberly Simmons-Le, ksimmonsle6@gmail.com
Dragonbites Newsletter
Kara Jolley, karagjolley@gmail.com
Lauren Frazer, laurenmorrell@hotmail.com